Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why should I have Health Insurance?

29 Mar

Posted by: Cobra Help Center in: Health Insurance

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When considering the economy, most people try to save money wherever they can. This is a smart strategy, however, there are some things that everyone needs and should not ever be skimped on. Health insurance is one of those necessity’s.

Even if you are trying to save money, you really need to have comprehensive medical insurance. One of the top reasons that people file bankruptcy is medical debt. You can quickly get into thousands of dollars of debt or even more, with just one hospital visit that goes uncovered by full major medical health coverage.
Health plans can help you avoid medical bankruptcy. Having health insurance means that you will only have to pay a percentage of the total amount or co-pay per visit. Considering that a hospital visit can cost thousands of dollars a day, the hospital co-pay is often a couple hundred dollars a day, if that! The savings definitely makes health insurance a good long term investment.
What if you or a family member has an accident or is diagnosed with an illness? You do not want to have to worry about how to pay for treatment, or if you can ever treat the condition at all. You would want to get them the best treatment possible. If you have medical insurance, you will worry less about the cost of treatment and concentrate on your loved one who may desperately need it.

Many deadly diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and others go untreated for years because the person was to afraid of the cost of getting treated. Though doctors bills may be scary, what is more frightening is the idea that a preventable disease could have been treated in the early stages if it had been just found. Early diagnosis is the key to survival, but that can not be even an option if a person never even sees a doctor for a health problem they may have.
Certainly you should try to be frugal and save money when possible, but consider that some things are necessary. Your health plan is one of those things that should never be lacking.

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